Sunday 22 January 2012

Emily Cawdron's Review of Derby Museum and Art Gallery

Derby museum and art gallery

Most may say museums are boring and out of the two they would rather view an art gallery, just like me, i visited Derby museum ready to view their art exhibition but as it was closed. So i ended  wandering around the museum and yet I was still looking at art but just not on a canvas, it wasnt just boring rocks and ancient history it was hidden art. History and the world is art. From the skill, colour and preciseness in the porcelain to the time, erosion and evolution of the world and nature its self, both had the same things as a painting and yet so much more.

I enjoyed my time at the museum and came out with a whole new view of history, rocks and art.

Emily Cawdron

Emily Cawdron's Review of the Clothes Show Live!

Clothes Show Live

On the 3rd December 2011 I attended Birminghams yearly fashion event, at the NEC Clothes Show Live. The day consisted of the art of great makeup and appliance and also the hour long fashion show. The show was no normal event, as the models and clothes came to life after department closing time. There was great usage of the stage and the 3 massive over head screens giving you different angles, close ups and a great view. Also the great use of the lighting as the stage practicaly changed colour along with the models, who danced there way down the catwalk to live music, in the stunning explosive clothes of colour, shape and size. As they worked their way through the different floors of this magical artistic department store.

I loved the show as it was exciting, big, bold and colourful, as it shows you, you can, and how to create great art off a canvas.

I found out when/where/who/what/how at                                               

Emily Cawdron

Thursday 12 January 2012

The Wombats at Rock City, Nottingham: Review!

I recently went to see The Wombats perform live at Rock City in Nottingham. I love The Wombats and all their music, and so was expecting an amazing music gig and I wasn’t disappointed! The support act were alright but not anyone who I was particularly interested in researching further, however I did get there a bit too late to really see and hear them properly. Then, after a while, The Wombats came on! The stage was set out with their instruments, with their logo on them. I do really like the style of The Wombats; it’s very cool and artistic so I was glad to see some of this on the stage. Their performance was simply awesome, they had great stage presence, really good interaction with the crowd, played really well, had really thought about use of the screens and lights which they used to great effect, displaying  images and really using the features of the lights to add to the songs and performance. Overall this gig was my arts event of the year, and so, I am going to see them again next year!

Monday 9 January 2012

Clothes Show Live Birmingham 3/12/2011 Review

I went to the Clothes Show Live at the NEC in Birmingham on 3rd December 2011. Clothes Show Live at the NEC is an annual fashion event that happens every December and every year they put on a spectacular Fashion Show in the Fashion Theatre. This is a one hour fashion show, but it is no normal Fashion Show where models just walk up and down the catwalk, that does still happen but is only a very small part of the show. Each year the show has a theme and this year it was A Night at the Department Store. The show includes live music and dancing too. The Show this year was separated into the different ‘levels’ of a Department store. It was amazing! The dancing and staging was astonishing, and there was a really good use of the three big screens. Music was used to great effect, as was lighting, and the whole show overall was really something!

Foster The People: HMV Institute: 21/11/2011 Review

I recently went to a Foster the People Gig, at the HMV Institute in Birmingham, on 21st Nov 2011. The band came on at 9.15 after the support act. The stage was filled with instruments and there was no artwork on stage, but it was quite packed so it was understandable. The music was incredible, the band were extremely good live which obviously always makes a gig better. The only problem was that there were quite large gaps between the songs which did disrupt the flow of the gig but the quality of the music made up for that. The band’s stage presence was very good, and the overall performance was interesting to watch whereas sometimes bands can be very static. There wasn’t much use of lighting which was disappointing as it could have been used to much better effect. Overall it was a very good gig, and it was clear that the crowd enjoyed it from their reaction. It was a shame it wasn’t longer as it was only about 1hr 15mins, but they are still quite a new band. Overall, excellent!